Swallows and Armenians
Friday 20th June, 7pm & Saturday 21st June, 2.30pm & 7pm
Where East and West collide in a story about friendship and family, love and jealousy, with a good measure of sailing thrown in!
Arthur Ransome’s Swallows and Amazons is a classic book about children having adventures on a lake. The Walker family have always been depicted as quintessentially English but what is not widely known is that Ransome modelled his characters on an Anglo-Armenian family from Aleppo, Syria.
This joyous actor-musician production delves into the fascinating but often fractured relationship between the British author and the family who inspired him to write his iconic book for children.
Although a work of fiction, this production has been extensively researched using letters and diary entries from the Arthur Ransome archive, University of Leeds, Special Collections; letters in The Arthur Ransome Society (TARS) archives; numerous publications and testimonies by Altounyan and Guzelian family members.
There will be a pre-show talk by the writer Karen Babayan at 6.30pm and a post show ‘Circle of Life’ circle dance event with dance artist Shakeh Major Tchilingirian. All welcome.
Photo Credit Asadour Guzelian.