
Chelsea Theatre Complaints Procedure 

We believe complaints contain insights that are valuable feedback. We consider a complaint to be a formal expression of dissatisfaction about any aspect of our service by a person who has been directly involved in the service complained of. We take complaints seriously. We will respond to complaints effectively and deal with them sensitively, fairly and thoroughly. We will not treat any complainant less favourably on the basis of their gender, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, disability or religion or belief or as a consequence of having made a complaint. All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence. We have a designated Complaints Officer who will respond to you.

You can register your complaint:

  • In person by requesting a meeting
  • By email to [email protected] Subject ‘FAO the Complaints Officer’
  • By telephone on 02073521967
  • By letter to the Complaints Officer, Chelsea theatre, 7 World’s End Place, SW10 0DR

Please let us know about any accessibility needs we can help you with when you first contact us. You will receive a notification of receipt of your complaint within 5 days. Our Complaints Officer will assess your complaint and ensure it is referred to the most suitable person to respond. They will endeavour to give you a response within ten working days.

If you are unhappy with the response to your complaint or if you wish to register your complaint directly with our Board of Trustees. Please follow the procedure above addressing the complaint to the Chair of Trustees. If you prefer you may leave your contact details and a member of our Board will respond on behalf of the Board.

When registering a complaint please provide us with:

Your details

Your full name:

Organisation (if applicable):


Contact telephone number

Email address:

Details about your complaint

Name of person(s) or service you are complaining about (if applicable)

Date and time of incident(s):

Where the incident(s) you are complaining about happened (if applicable):

Full details of your complaint

If you are complaining about a breach of our Codes of Conduct, please try to tell us which parts of the Code you think have been breached. Please let us know if you have a disability which is relevant to your complaint or if you require, particular adaptations or assistance with reading and/or writing.

CT Managing Complaints Policy and Procedures